High-End Tech Toys: Unveiling the Ultimate Playtime Experience

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High-End Technologically Advanced Toys

there’s a good chance that you’ve seen a Segway before but what you probably haven’t seen is the mecha kit basically a throne that you can bolt onto the Segway turning yourself into the modern day equivalent of a super villain with working gel blasters to Pepper your family members with.

High-End Tech Toys – Mecha kit

High-End Tech Toys - Mecha kit
High-End Tech Toys – Mecha kit

Hello, that is so fun I never grew out of toys I love Lego I love dark guns I love board games but toys have also gotten a lot more capable in the last decade so I’ve researched I’ve tested the 10 most high-end technologically advanced toys that make both the kids and the adult inside of me very excited.

Square Off Chess Board

High-End Tech Toys - SquareOff Chess Board
High-End Tech Toys – Square Off Chess Board

like the square off chessboard I used to play chess obsessively growing up and this right here is the product of my childhood dreams because you move a piece and the board moves back underneath this wooden layer there’s essentially a really precise electromagnet that sits on Rails Glides to wherever it needs to be it turns itself on moves the piece it needs to move and then turns itself off.

So it doesn’t mess anything else up it’s got AI built into it all the way from beginner level to literal Grand Master but what I think is the craziest part is that this board links to your chess.com profile, so I can be playing on my board representing my account against any other player in any other part of the world the only thing I would say is that as somebody who’s touched a lot of chess pieces in his time the pieces here don’t exactly feel like 500 plus quality they just lack the weight and definition like this right here is a 10 chess set it’s not far off that probably partly just so that the pieces are still light enough for the electro magnets to easily move them so we’ll give this a strong 8 out of 10 but it’s about to get a lot better.

Scribit Robot

High-End Tech Toys - Scribit Robot
High-End Tech Toys – Scribit Robot

The other part of my childhood but drawing painting chess that was my weekend and so testing this scrimmick art robot has kind of built like a weird full circle moment for me like I’m back to Art but now from the perspective of tech as a reviewer a line is a DOT that went for a walk interesting quote but I mean by that metric we’re about to go on the track of the lifetime because this is what we’re gonna draw on so the robot is supported by two sticky pads here and there and the string that holds it is so taught right now that it can be used to very precisely bring the robot to exactly the position that it needs to be which when you combine it with a retractable selection of pens means that yes this robot can draw for you.

Like I literally got it to draw out a Banksy painting a couple of days ago okay I mean Banksy at home but still I mean it’s impressive it’s actually kind of wild because as well as drawing really precisely it can also go back on itself and erase that drawing so the trailer for it has all of these wacky scenarios like drawing out the weather forecast or even like a summary of all the tweets that you missed well I guess now X’s that you’ve missed but all of that stuff is ridiculous I mean who’s really going to do that what I want to use this for is a very specific purpose.

High-End Tech Toys - Scribit Robot
High-End Tech Toys – Scribit Robot

I’m really wanting to make this portrait for a long time but it’s the drawing part of it that stopped me for the last few months I kept starting it then feeling like the proportions were a bit off and then never really getting around to painting it because well work came up but if I import this image into the app turn it into a drawing and then we will come back and see what the robot’s done with it.

Omega Power Pong robot

High-End Tech Toys - Omega power pong robot
High-End Tech Toys – Omega power pong robot

So this is already pretty cool right but how would a machine cope with something more active well this is the Omega power pong robot and yes it plays table tennis.

I can’t tell you how many games a table tennis have been played on this table right here between me and my brother we got to a level where it genuinely felt like a recreation of that unfortunately titled ping pong movie but he moved out the table got retired alongside my skill level so I set this up last week the robot’s got a net at the back to catch all the balls you’re hitting at it and then this machine simulates another player it can choose where it places the ball how fast it shoots the spin it places on the ball just like a high level player would.

High-End Tech Toys - Omega power pong robot
High-End Tech Toys – Omega power pong robot

oh which is not me anymore do you wanna know what’s really weird is that they actually ship you a proper Android tablet just with their app installed so you can control the thing it’s really not the best tablet and the app is not exactly what I would call pretty but very functional very stable it does the job.

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I have just realized this tablet also has a selfie camera so you’re probably watching the first video ever taken on a table tennis table but there is no doubt in my mind that this is a high-end better kit for professionals and they’re like you can put the balls per minute all the way up to 120 which looks something like very fast.

Caliburn Nerf Blaster

High-End Tech Toys - Caliburn Nerf Blaster
High-End Tech Toys – Caliburn Nerf Blaster

When I was growing up going to the big toy shop once every few months was literally the high point of my life and if there’s one category I spent the largest amount of time in apart from video games and Pokemon it would be Nerf guns we used to basically play Deathmatch where everyone would get a Nerf gun and then as soon as you get hit once you’re out the gate well this the caliber and C4 is the adults version of that that’s actually probably underselling it because this is the most powerful Nerf gun in the world so the vast majority of Nerf guns are bolt action which essentially means you pull back the handle you’re loading a spring and then press the trigger to release it it’s not bad but the issue with Nerf is that because they’re trying to mass Market it and also because they’re trying to appeal to kids and don’t really want someone to end up in a hospital with one eye left they use very small Springs.

So if you get a good Nerf gun you might be able to shoot it up to 50 feet per second but the Caliburn with a spring the size of my head can shoot at up to 300 plus it’s got a rail to mount an actual professional optic site does mean it’s an absolute Beast to reload though.

High-End Tech Toys - Caliburn Nerf Blaster
High-End Tech Toys – Caliburn Nerf Blaster

You also notice just how much more Mead for adults this is like the size of the grip the length of the stock.

Let’s try and shoot it 3, 2, 1 – it’s really hard to stress in person what it feels like to shoot a Nerf dart that fast so the power is clearly ridiculous but there’s a couple of reasons why I wouldn’t really recommend this for most people and it’s part of the fact that the accuracy doesn’t quite match up to how good the power is it’s partly the fact that I mean this thing deconstructs half the bullets it fires because it’s doing it so powerfully and then it’s also the fact that it’s a 3D printed product and it has all the Hallmarks of a 3D printed product.

Spyra 3 Water Blaster

High-End Tech Toys - Spyra 3 Water Blaster
High-End Tech Toys – Spyra 3 Water Blaster

I also used to love water fights this is me absolutely drenching my sister like every older sibling would well as it turns out water fight gear has also progressed quite a lot since well the hose pipe is now a pretty normal thing to get something like this Spyra a fully electric water gun that just continuously sprays so long as you hold the trigger but if you really wanted to go all the way then the Spira 3 is the way to do it.

This is such a cool product because it’s not just about oh I can shoot water but faster now it gamifies the entire concept of a water fight so this right here is a tactical display it shows you how full your battery is but not just that it also knows and can show you how full your water tank is so you start by holding it in a bucket and then pushing the trigger forward.

it’s extremely loud but the concept of being able to pull the trigger back to shoot and then push the trigger forward to reload does make a lot of sense right but here’s what makes this special so I like water fights and they’re really fun but the thing that makes me like them a bit less than say something like laser tag is that you can’t really tell who’s winning like there’s no real scoring system you just continuously get wetter and wetter until someone decides they want to take a shower and so what I really like about this is that it doesn’t shoot out just a continuous stream it compresses the water into pressurized water bullets and this display shows you how many you have it makes it so that when you hit someone you’re gonna know and they’re really gonna know.

High-End Tech Toys - Spyra 3 Water Blaster
High-End Tech Toys – Spyra 3 Water Blaster

You’ve got three different types of firing mode you’ve got single shot then you can switch it to burst shot which basically empties the entire magazine of three in one go and then you have open fire which shoots continuously but a little slower because the gun needs time to make these water pellets as an overall product though I’d give it a 7/10.

I think the concept’s great I think they’ve done loads of cool little nice touches but I mean just the fact that it’s shooting water means that it doesn’t matter how much you can press it into little bullets it’s not accurate past about the range of five meters.

Continue (Scribit Robot)

High-End Tech Toys - Scribit Robot
High-End Tech Toys – Scribit Robot

oh this Scribit robot is you can’t tell what this is yet but this is actually very much on track it’s got a couple of little mess-ups which you can see here here and here the only thing I really don’t like about this robot is that it’s intended for drawing literally on your wall which I feel is actually a much more Niche case than drawing on a Surface like a canvas so it’s really hard to calibrate it to get it to draw to exactly the size that you want. The Masterpiece is complete when it works it does a really good job

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Rubik’s Cube

High-End Tech Toys - Rubik's Cube
High-End Tech Toys – Rubik’s Cube

I feel like there’s two kinds of people on this planet those who love the water gun and those who are gonna love this next one so when you think of a Rubik’s Cube you probably think of something like this specifically this 3X3 one wait what is this okay so there’s a 2X2 and then this one this is the 3X3 that you’re probably familiar with and then you might know they also have a 4×4.

2 by 2

You’re going to want to sit down for this this is a 2X2 Rubik’s cube in your mind right now try to guess how many potential different combinations you could have with this tiny thing what did you guess a hundred a thousand new this tiny little Cube has over 3.5 million different potential combinations.

It is far more than it initially seems because every single face of the cube can have any combination of any of the six colors in any Arrangement, this is so many combinations that even if you’re fiddling around with this for 8 hours a day if you didn’t have a specific technique it would still likely take you 5 months to solve it.

3 by 3

The 3X3 adds a layer of complexity in every single Direction which doesn’t just add to the complexities it multiplies them meaning that we’re not talking 10 million or 20 million potential combinations anymore but 43 quintillion that’s 43 followed by 18 zeros.

I mean let’s just look up a ridiculous number a number of grains of sand on earth 75 followed by 17 zeros so this is more than that.

4 by 4

the 4×4 then is known as the master Cube and yeah I mean it’s almost impossible to even comprehend the numbers going on here 7.4 Quattro decillion which is 45 zeros and as you might have guessed that is not the main event.

13 by 13

High-End Tech Toys - 13 by 13 Rubik's Cube
High-End Tech Toys – 13 by 13 Rubik’s Cube

Here what I’m about to show you is not a 5×5 or a 6X6 this is a 13X13. and that is not the worst bit while every single Cube so far has six faces to manage in total this has 12.

hey, I think I’m done it only took me about 15 minutes.

Trisha you’re good at puzzles right so how long do you think it would take you to solve a freshly scrambled whatever you call this I definitely do it I think it would take like a couple of decades probably you’d find me 30 years later almost finished. Great so we’ll um start keeping tabs now can I start with that one all right so while drisha solved that problem.

DJI Robomaster S1

High-End Tech Toys - DJI Robomaster S1
High-End Tech Toys – DJI Robomaster S1

I never watched a lot of TV when I was a kid but the one show that would pull me away from my weird construction project was robot wars think boxing but just with machines limited only by your imagination I used to find it so cool looking at the spec sheets of each of these robots that were competing and then see how they would stack up together in practice well I almost can’t believe I’m saying this but thanks to technology you can now do this at home with the robomaster S1 by DJI uh that’s a lot of parts they kind of look like Treads.

hmm I did not realize how DIY this was gonna be okay so both of these robots took four full hours to put together so I really hope you like Lego but in a way these things are actually even more technologically advanced and impressive than those things that only used to be limited to TV back in the day because like just on this head alone you’ve got a 1080p live streaming gimbal stabilized camera and a working gun.

High-End Tech Toys - DJI Robomaster S1
High-End Tech Toys – DJI Robomaster S1

It’s got an LED that can outline the launch trajectory and then it shoots out these gel beads within that trajectory and when I first used a thing I could not believe how agile it is it’s so Zippy and fast but at the same time just really smooth which is especially important since you can play using your phone by looking at the first person view from the camera but I mean as cool as the gimbal is the base of the robot is arguably the even more impressive bit.

I mean the entire reason we had to go to hell and back to install each one of these rollers individually onto the wheels is so that the machine can travel not just forward and back but literally straight left and right like in a video game and then all of these lit up pads are smart armor so you set them to whatever color you want and they can detect both infrared and the impact from Gel beads because yes this thing shoots them.

High-End Tech Toys - DJI Robomaster S1
High-End Tech Toys – DJI Robomaster S1

Although I will say the gel beads are not the most precise instrument so we’ve been sticking to the infrared so if I move my aim up and shoot this Smart Pad can you actually see the robot recoil in real life it’s kind of insane the other person will physically feel the impact of the shot through the vibration on their phone and their HP bar will actually drop.

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Okay dual VS drisha both of us have 200 hit points which means two hits and we’re dead ready three two way way okay all right this is good oh my Lord I’m trapped he quoted me and I are running circles around me yeah I won the practice okay.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this is the coolest toy I’ve ever used in my life it’s just I’ll give it a 9/10 because it’s slightly let down by the 549 price tag and the fact that to get nearly the most out of it you kind of need to get two.

Traxxas x01

High-End Tech Toys - Traxxas x01
High-End Tech Toys – Traxxas x01

But hypothetically what if we went even more extreme with the Traxxas x01 the world’s fastest ready to race Supercar for context most good toy remote control cars will Top out at around 15 miles per hour this 155.

Yeah 155 miles per hour that’s more than two times the maximum speed limit you’re allowed to drive with a real car on any Road in the UK and then the acceleration this thing does 0 to 60 like 60 miles per hour in 2.3 seconds or in other words faster than the fastest real Ferrari in the world.

High-End Tech Toys - Traxxas x01
High-End Tech Toys – Traxxas x01

How well part of the equation is let’s just stick a massive motor on the inside but the other half of the equation is the optimization of forces when you’re building a car that you want to travel really quickly but also do so with grip you have to minimize your drag and also maximize the amount of downforce so by the whole thing being very low profile you’re minimizing what’s called The frontal area which is the size of the hole that your car has to punch through the air as it’s traveling forward plus the slopes on the car just naturally allow that air to travel around it easier and wherever the air encounters a bump like this or the spoiler at the back it creates regions of high air pressure that are pushing the car down and keeping it from skidding.

I’m just thinking how much recording time are we going to have before this car plows into that camera seven seconds okay





RIP the glass on the back if I hadn’t slowed that car down right at the end I’m convinced it actually would have gone straight through that glass and this one still hasn’t finished.

Honestly I think this car is a straight 10. it’s expensive but it does exactly what it’s meant to do.

Custom Kylo Ren Saber

High-End Tech Toys - Custom Kylo Ren Saber
High-End Tech Toys – Custom Kylo Ren Saber

What Star Wars this might be an unpopular opinion I don’t rate the movies that much but I just think the world is incredible and I’ve always thought this idea of Jedi taking out armies of enemies with just a single lightsaber is the coolest thing ever Well turns out that as an adult you can go deep into the world of Star Wars with a professionally made lightsaber so just a context this is a run-of-the-mill saber that you could find at a toy shop for fifteen twenty dollars.

It’s not bad it’s got a pretty bright light built in it’s got a light in the handle it’s got speakers (Bose Portable Home Speaker Review) at the bottom it knows when it’s been hit and can Flash accordingly does sound a little bit like a cat that’s just been stepped on though.

High-End Tech Toys - Custom Kylo Ren Saber
High-End Tech Toys – Custom Kylo Ren Saber

This Custom Kylo Ren Saber is what happens when you spend 100 times that amount on a saber this is a custom-made one-to-one Recreation of the same weapon used by the main bad guy in the last few films kylo Ren okay so part of the value is obviously the Aesthetics the movie accurate wear and tear the machined metal handle I mean this thing feels so unbelievably premium.

It’s movie accurate even on the insides oh yeah and then you turn the thing on [Applause] when you see the spinning kyber Crystal the energy source of lightsabers but that’s not even the bit that I’m most curious about is that when you get into this whole world of high-end lightsabers these things have to run their entirely own unique bespoke software.

High-End Tech Toys - Custom Kylo Ren Saber
High-End Tech Toys – Custom Kylo Ren Saber

Yeah we’re literally talking about lightsaber OS here but it is really smart like it figures out when you’re holding it still it lets out a gentle crackle and then the sensors inside know when you’re moving it and also how much you’re moving it and they adjust the sound according to that.

You know these like side Hilt beams the lightsaber actually knows when they’re in and is adjusting its lighting accordingly plus it’s completely programmable so if you can code you could make it do like the Mario waku sound effect every time you make contact with something.

High-End Tech Toys - Custom Kylo Ren Saber
High-End Tech Toys – Custom Kylo Ren Saber

My opponent has arrived with a Rubik’s Cube

Okay so the rules are first to get hit on their body loses.

It’s dark side & light-sided yeah right that doesn’t build well Pat.

Three, Two, One Go

You may have agility but I have more realistic effects did I just I just died oh for goodness sake.

Watch complete video here

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